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I'd never join a club that would have me as a member
Name: Iain machine
Details: 34 years old (Scorpio), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/wonderwalll
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TITP, second in from right
i dont know who i'm with here
In my own words

Hello. I like going oot in the sunshine. I like the banter. I like a good booze. I like zaney people. I like smoking rollies. I'm quite scared of empty crisp packets. I like to play the gaytar. I like diet pepsi. I really like house parties. i'd quite like to win the lottery. I'm all for global warming aaannd... i don't like potatoes
If You Pay Me...

Nothing. Just give me money.
Comments 10 of 10 | post a comment | view all
xxtouch_of_pinkxx wrote...  
haha yepp...
You treat this place like a hotel, me like a cook, as a taxi place and a bank!
haha :')
they won't kick me outt
weeeekennnddd (Y)
plans for summer then bubss?
and do you have msn?
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xxtouch_of_pinkxx wrote...  
Guurddd (Y)
sober up? Been on piss up?
Not too bad thanks, had argument with the parents though, want me out the house, im like haha try it!
been up to much?
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xxtouch_of_pinkxx wrote...  
Hiiii :)
How're you today m'darling
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xxtouch_of_pinkxx wrote...  
Sorry took so loing to reply, i was off to bed, but then my mate wanted me on myspace, so i have to wait!
How come your up so late.
that buisness sounds good tbh :)
and yeah my routine is greattt!
Just a bit boring when everyone else is at college :(
This weekend i am going out on Friday night ans getting hammered,
saturday camping in a field near me with ates, we do it all ime its relly good fun :)
sunday recoverr
and favourite tree?! haha, erm i would have to say those ones with yel
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xxtouch_of_pinkxx wrote...  
Haha Inittt... just effortss @ interviews, when you simply know as soon as you walk in the looks on there faces is... 'im never going to hire you but i feel sorry for you so i will pretend i will' I was drinking last night, but luckily the 14 hour sleep i had last night meant no hangover :) errrrm, fuck all tbh, sleeping, eating, chilling, drinking, seeying mates, more sleeping and eating and drinking haha. plans for the weekend? xx
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xxtouch_of_pinkxx wrote...  
I totally agree. and applying for jobs is efforts, interviews too, cause i never get the stupiid jobb!
I'm good thanks...
ahh you were part of the people who cause havoc in our beautiful city !
when i say beautiful you know im thinking rough, dirty, benifit filled, chav city!
been up to much lately?
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xxtouch_of_pinkxx wrote...  
your comment made me laugh :')
Yeahh, people are always looking down at us, about to do something about it!!
so how're you lovely?
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minxy_temptress wrote...  
aww. bubs. you're cute.
:) lovely.
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minxy_temptress wrote...  
yeah mate. someone says original, next person says laura.
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minxy_temptress wrote...  
i think you'll find it is staple reading.
you mention iain banks
the next person mentions the wasp factory.
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Favorite Things

Polar Bear Sandwiches.

frightened rabbit, BRMC, oasis

TV Show
south park, peep show, the wire

Iain Banks

Apocalypse Now, pulp fiction, american history x

Night Club / Bar
I like the arches

I'd love to own a giraffe.

george w. bush is pretty funny

directly under the sun with booze

Strongbow/Rollies/Doo bies


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