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Name: Paul Wildman
Details: 38 years old, Male, Single, Straight
Location: South Norfolk, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/wildmanpaul
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Stuck in jungle, bored!
Me and the locals
Me far right, Barbados baby.
In my own words

As if life in South Norfolk isnt exciting enough ive decided to see what the fuss is all about.
Ive just spent seven months in the Amazon teaching English in a city called Manaus. Havent been back long, hoping to go to Sandhurst (Army Officer) or find a job in London? Anything to get me outa here!
Havent got any expectations for this website, if you live locally, have a nice personality and can hold a conversation thats good for me. If you fancy a chat etc send me a message. Ohh yeh, no chavs please!
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Night Club / Bar
If she's dancing I like it!


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