In my own words im am the most easy goin an down2earth person ull eva meet just because im from brighton that dont make me some chocolate wizz way pickin poridge disposal unit i cant be i enjoy the company of females 2much tho i aint sure i want1of my own yet i cant b doin with the ag u no what i mean well2b honest yea i do but dont i c so many ppl get hurt when they get involved with some1they like n i dont wana get in that predicament thats y i have no intentions of goin out lookin4it if its ment2b it'll fly by my way ill no by instincs i dont get all these ppl that feel its so vital2have some1in there life but hey each2there own all need air in me lugs n my closest loved1s what can i ramble on about im like marmite u'll either love me or hate me i love my music and also love2mix it aswell this time next year ill put andy whitby2shame well i dream2anyway we all have desiers in life i also wana wright a best seller even tho my spelings as good as
If I was a Millionaire... i would make sure id never b poor again but sayin that id proberly do what that micky carrol did when he hit the lotto nah jus kiddin i got my head screwed on2a certain degree belive it or not