In my own words oi oi oi i'm VICKY aka lesbebean i live in that place they call brighton whoop.Im bubbly outgiong happy go lucky that always has a smile on my face no matter what life throws at me. im the sort of person that will treat u as a queen when needed but also likes to stand my ground. i love being arond people that can make me smile and know how to have a good time no matter where we are n whatever the weather. my mates would say that im slightly crazy but i see that as a good thing. wot im looking for is someone that has a great sense of humor that can sit n laugh at anything random coz thats pretty much me lol. someone with a great smile n amazing eyes are my biggest weakness. someone that can dance the night away with me or spend it in watching a film. age n size dont matter to me its the person u like. gonna sound vain now but u gotta have good hair its the thing i notice first.
swit swoo....tis me lol hows it goin u gayer?? im good thanks!!1cudnt b happier life seems to b on the up woop woop!!! wen u home then?gotta c ya aint seen ya for ages!! take care xx xx
OI OI, not heard from you in fukin ages, how you doing babe, living in donny now, ive done a you, moved away hehehehehe. How you doing???? WB love aims
Hey gorgeous just thought I would leave you a message. Hope you have an amazing time at pink tonight...soooo jealous!!! Oh well, at leat I've met her :P hehe Mwah xxx