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Oh, look....a penguin, and he has a little hat on!.
Name: karl
Details: 37 years old (Libra), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Taunton, (Somerset! (for you who dont know!)., United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/vans17uk
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side of me head!
In my own words

Right i'll try not too be to random here. hmmm, where to start? Well, ... (O look a bunny) .... urrmmm... god this is hard! Lets start with music.... (yummy a mint) .... i like Blink 182, Muse, Greenday, The Killers, Steriogram, Steriophonics and sooo on .... (wow, i can see my hair) .... Is there anything else i can say? Well i just like to have fun and a laugh, sometimes i cant at work tho, becos i have resposiblitys! grr but at times ill joke around! .... (lalala) .... also attempting to moonwalk around the store but i kept bumping into things! What else? im also found playing pranks on people alot! like telling people they got customer complaints and they have to go see the store manager later on in the day! hehe, so funny to see their faces! .... (i smell... mmm... i smell chicken) .... Can someone answer this question, why do cats all ways follow me, im allergic to them but they always jump on my lap and follow me! help!
My Pet Hate...

are people who put up pics of someone else and pretend to be them! and people who put 'only message me if your fit', pfft.... thats just vien and sad if you think that you deserve to be messaged by 'fit' people (get a life)....
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Favorite Things

Curry, Bonagnaise, stir fry!! anything tastey!.

Rock / Punk Rock / generally rock!.

TV Show
Red Dwarf, Simpsons, Teachers, Black Adder...

i have a tendancy not to read!

American Pie 1,2&3, Saving Pvt Ryan, and others

Night Club / Bar
Mamba (but its shut down at the moment!! = (

little monkeys!! i want one as pet!! And me dog!

Chavs, they crack me up with their bud & bling!

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anywhere warm!

my monkey beer holder! its great and it burps!


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