In my own words hi cheers for gettingthis far on my profile. my name is matthew but like to be called matt. i am 20 yrs old and attent leeds met university. i am usally out and around leeds having a laugh or fun with my mates drinking or shopping so if you see me just say hi i wont bite. i am kind of shy at the beggining when i meet new ppl but i over come my shyness in time when i get to know ppl. i really love to dance so when i hear music i cant stop my self from dancing.
i like to live life to the full and enjoy life as well.
i am into rock music mainly but also dont mind other music as well.
i am mostly into winter sports like skiing and snow board so usally down at caslteford.
well had an exam at uni to day for mechanisums of drug action. it wasnt that bad. they only problem was the time it was on. it started at 930 in the morring and we had to be there for 9 or early to make sure we know where we was going. the gud part of it was after and hour we was able to leave if we had finshed