In my own words Once Ya Get Ta Know Mee Youl Think Im THE SHITT!! *HeHe* Some Would Sai im a [*/Tad.] bit Crackers.. Buh Yno I ((Love*)) Mii Frends n Famble =] WOOO!! Im Currently Lukkin 4 Work.. && *Red Sauceee Was Thee [*Bestest./x] Thingg Evaaa Inventidd.. lol.. i ((L o v e*)) Ittt!! Along wiv Dandilion nd Burdock ann Pink Rubicon.. Sexyyyness!!! ii ((Love*)) Lifee.. && ii Intend 2 Make the Most Ov Mynn.. If You Have A Problem With Me Doing So Then FUUUUCKKKK YUUUU =) lool.. If Your Gna Msg Me Sumthin Stupid Dnt Botherr Cuz If Therz 1 Thing Tht Pissis Me Off Its Wen ppl Attempt 2 Get Brave Infrunt Of Thier Computer Screenz (N) Booo!! No1 Lyks Yuuu!! If You Dont Have a Pic DONT MSG ME.. and If You Want Me 2 Send or Recieve Cam DONT MSG ME.. =) Think Thas Bou It lololol.. xxx (Dnt Get Put Off By The Last Bit =P)
MY GOD!! yr amazing!! absolutely stunnin hun! gorgeous face and sexy bod! wud luv to chat! if uv got an addy message me with it babe. Hope to hear from you soon Chris xx