In my own words now th real stuff , bit about me: well im rachele im 20 from a lil village in county durham which yer is a shithole but hey ive grew up in this place =] curretly a brunette nd lovin it =] also have a gawjus boyfriend which i spend most my time with & love 2 bitz! if im not wif him.. im living it up with th friend hu rocks my socks (leanne my other half)... th job part: im training at spennymoor doing a buisness & admin course which i enjoy .. and also waiting 2 strt my new job in durham as a waitress/bar person =] .. anyway fink ive said th basics chow! mwah
In A Perfect World... YOU WILL copy and paste this sexy site,. . . . . . YOU WILL obey IT and then you can buy and send me some hair dye and shoes :) love Baybie xxx