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buda buda bow!!!! aka. THE GUN!!
Name: tommy gun!!!
Details: 38 years old (Gemini), Male, Single, Straight
Location: pontypridd, Wales, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/tommyguns1
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In my own words

Girls are like apples on a tree, the best ones are at the top of the tree but the boys dont want to climb to the top of the tree and reach for the good ones because they are impatient and dont want to make the effort, instead they just pick the rotten apples from the ground that are not as good but easy to get so the apples at the top of the tree think something is wrong with them but in reality there amazing they just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who is brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree and pick them. Welcome to the top of the tree ;-) BUT sometimes there is a boy who doesnt deserve a good apple but gets one anyway cause hes used a ladder and the apple is deceived, it thinks he has been brave enough to have climb to the top of the tree wanting the good apples but he is a fake and has cheated his way to the top of the tree x x x x
My Eternal Dilemma...

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m3lm wrote...  
Tommy Gun you crazy fool whats appening? Have you stopped partying yet? Im sooo fucking wrecked still tom and my voice still hasn come bk!! You are sooo funny honest great company tom xxx
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geraint-david wrote...  
hahaha hows my boi u ok thomas wats apning?
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claireclubber wrote...  
Hya hope u ok. Glad u found a girl! Not surprised u sexy man!!!xx
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geraint-david wrote...  
thers my number 1 mucca fuking legend tom! topman!
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geraint-david wrote...  
wats apning my mucca did u get that off chris? an u crazzy fuker wat u doing ringing my house phone half 3 on a monday morning u crazy boy lol loking 4 a party again was u thot u would ov had a qwiet 1 al the shit u done down metro haha!
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m3lm wrote...  
nice plan mr gun lol xx
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geraint-david wrote...  
ther he is mun MR GUN hows my muccer wat a party the other day feela thanx 4 having me down ther realy enjoyd my self ul hav 2 get up ya soon an hav a party at mine take care butty! gezzy!
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geraint-david wrote...  
the best boy in beddau wel fuk me mucca im missing u dearly weres my party butty gone haha aint seen u on ya much lately so glad thngs ar going wel 4 u butt take care ur a fuking ledgend tom!!
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eds1879 wrote...  
Fare play 2 u tom, u no how 2 bring the party back 2 life mucka even wen its ova the phone!! Topman
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m3lm wrote...  
where the fuck was u saturday mr gun? How cum u never cum escape in the park? xxx
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the gun!
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anything tasty!

dance rnb,anything really

TV Show
match of the day,prison break

dont read enough

gladiator,scarface,an d many more

Night Club / Bar
any club in cardiff

snakes/my british bulldog

my son

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