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Name: Tom
Details: 46 years old (Sagittarius), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Norfolk, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/tombowe
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In my own words

When I am old, and I've gone grey, If I ever get that way, I know just what I'm gonna say, I'll talk of what I did yesterday. I won't shut up about being a lad, And things my generation never had, I'll make miy grandkids really glad, That they rarely see their old grandad. For this is how it's always been, Old folk long for company, Someone to listen to tales of old, And share the memories they hold. But this is what I really fear, And time goes quicker every year, As everyday closes I'm getting near, My pensioner days are almost here! My future oneday will be my past, So I need some memories, and I need them fast, For when I get old I'm gonna say, I didn't waste my life away.
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I solemnly swear to never leave comments on girls profiles saying "u're fit, can I have your addy" or post semi-naked pictures of myself, thus compromising my dignity. I will refrain from sending the same cut and pasted messages to multitudes of unsuspecting victims or bombarding anyone with countless messages even though they never respond. Failure to keep this promise will result in me banning myself and my future children and their children from faceparty... for 3 months!
If I was a Millionaire...

I would have a million pounds.
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MC Pitman, Gorilla Biscuits, 88 Fingers Louie

TV Show
Proper Bo, Peep Show, MOTD

Roger Hargreaves

Men in Black Men

The common snow leopard


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