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We're crows! We're supposed to get stoned!
Name: Danny
Details: 36 years old (Scorpio), Male, Single, Bisexual
Location: Hertfordshire - Chorleywood, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/to_the_teeth
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that hair cost me too much lol!
i now can't see out of one eye! Waaay!
over exposed but still deathly
these photos are really recent by the way!
In my own words

MY words? That's dangerous ... I'll re-use other peoples'words: I'm a crazy person to know - will always give you an interesting conversation. I spend half my life working as a writer and a lot of my interests are literary/artistic, other pastimes range from hard raving to getting blitzed, from gay clubbing to occult, from social engineering to mugging old women ... I'm sure if the conversations out of that range, I'll make it up convincingly. Enough of me, I've already heard all my own jokes and they aren't funny anymore! I'm looking for young people, cute looking, make me think, engage their minds and have some artistic appreciation so when I make some complex (or insane) observation they dont look at me like I just landed. It's not a hard mould to fit! (ok! It's highly flexible! BUT, I'll remain unswayed by people >22) I breathe too much anyway, I can do that anyday, so drop me a line, give me something to remember you by when I go..
My Pet Hate...

We could be here for a while on this one! I dislike the wind cos it screws with my hair! lol! I can't really stand anything pop culture to be honest and I really do get irritated by performing arts students! Haha! Sorry guys, but everyone I've ever spoken to from a performing arts course seems not to have any idea about theatre or art ... everything seems to be about soap opera acting and west end musicals! Get a grip!
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Favorite Things

Just sweet chilli sauce really...

Electronic, Dub, Roots, Folk, DnB

TV Show
Can't face the World Cup being over!

S. Kane, C . Raine, S. Berkoff, K. Ishiguro

Clockwork Mice, Magnolia, Exorcism of Emily Rose

Night Club / Bar
Elbow Room, New Bohemia, Northern Light, Popstarz

I'd love to keep something mental, like a caribou

Tosh from the Bill, oh wait! He's dead! *cries*

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its a metaphysical thing...

various poetry anthologies


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