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Welcome to the TLC zone....you game???
Name: tlc boy x x
Details: 41 years old (Virgo), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Gtown, Surrey, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/tlcboy
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In my own words

Its not who you are that defines you, its what you DO that really makes you YOU! Cut-along-story-short, don't turn out to be a bit of a wanker he he :) So Im me really??! not a wanker that is! Like to do crazy stuff like Free running and Mountain biking...makes you feel alive..very RANDOM I know but like to free style street dance too. You can often find this lost soul in Oceana, SW1 or Lost in London..some where sum how???
In A Perfect World...

in a perfect world.... the beer would flow like wine, the women would flock like the salmon of capostrano! only joking! in a perfect world... the sun would shine all day every day, there would be no such thing as tosser alqueida terrorists and no tax!!! ok?! Oh yea and those CHAV fellows...
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Photo's of me and my crew!
28 photos
Favorite Things

Roast dinner of course, lasagne, Thai

anything! dance,hip hop,ska, dirty south!

TV Show
Lost, Deadenders, 2 pints, Skins, Fresh Prince

Stephen King

Shaun of the dead, Waynes World

Night Club / Bar
oceana, Tiger Tiger, The End, 414(Brixton)

Dags (Dogs) Possums(so cute!)

Well 2 People! my little sisters :)

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sydney, australia

my blower!!!! (PHONE to the lamen)


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