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tall, dark and mysterious ;)
Name: Amy
Details: 32 years old (Libra), Female, Single, Bisexual
Location: brighton...well near it, West Sussex, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/thin_lizzy_mad
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so drunk
wills 18th
ocean rooms
ocean rooms
In my own words

my life is a simple life i dont need much to be happy! good company drugs and the great outside is all i need. i addore snowbording, iceskating, hula hooping, traveling, meeting new people, saving the earth, swimming, walking, art, stenciling, making my own clothes, tattoos, bongs, piercings, sea food, sky diving, white sandy beaches, dreads, gypsys, pirates, crisp white snow, mountains, photography, philosophy, human interaction, astronamy, ancient egypt, ray mears, david attembrough, animals, tree hugging, tree climbing, raving, clubbing, rum, tequilla, spiritual healing, salsa, tango, breakdancing and all that other crazy stuff that us skint students like to do!
peace out.
why do people on this website always pose half naked? i mean get some dignity, are some people so uninteresting all they have are there looks to attract the opposite sex? what is happening to the world where people are looking up to celebrities as all they care about is consumerism and material posessions. i mean there more to life than being rich and famous!
fame is fickle money doesnt produce happyness....
... a smile lights the world love last forever.
My Dream Date...

on a warm summers evening sitting on a hill with the glorious country side all around lost in the silence watching the sunset then the wide open stary sky snuggled in a sleepingbag with a warm fire and some good stew and some essential chi tea! Heaven!
my philosophy - you dont need money to have a good time nature and good company is fatastic and free !
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Comments 10 of 22 | post a comment | view all
joss101 wrote...  
alright mate.
aint seen u in agess!
how u been?
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dirtglider wrote...  
lol no i have a half shaved head. im talkin the left side BUZZ cut lol gon for the skitzophrenic look (omg i cant spell lol) gr so much to do. HOPEFULLY movin into new house :D and goin crawley weekend too much my lil stner brain to handle lol. by jobe yes i say legendary lol. hopefully chat soon
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random-ben wrote...  
you are very cute...x
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dirtglider wrote...  
well dont you just sound all round legendary lol messege me sometime. ill show you my bongs :P
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carleyb wrote...  
mm gorgeous xxx
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dreaded_ferret wrote...  
im starting my other sleeve an my ribs in a couple of weeks
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dreaded_ferret wrote...  
its n angel an cherubs with flowers n stuff
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dreaded_ferret wrote...  
pharmacy tech in hospitl so they're abit off with tattoos an bein tht i hav afew i hav 2 careful
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plinny wrote...  
pretty crap to be honest, dont really like xmas that much. u on msn?
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dreaded_ferret wrote...  
i hav 2 b really carefull getting tattoo'd 4 work 2 its lame
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Photos of me
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Favorite Things

hummous, seafood, stir fry, mangos, green olives!

funk, reggae, dub, ska, jungle, d'n'b, motown

TV Show
south park, family guy, dirty sanchez, lee evens

dan brown, carl hiaasen

transformers, futurama movie, coen brothers

Night Club / Bar
concorde2,hectors house,coalition,Audio,ho bgobli

penguins and monkeys

the old pg crew i love them guys

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my mind :p oh the possabilities

my arbour stance snowboard! its so sexy!


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