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The one, the only, The Real Mike Oka
Name: The Real Mike Oka
Details: 43 years old (Taurus), Male, Married, Straight
Location: Clovis, California
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/therealmikeoka
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Cannot no hit it and quit it!
In my own words

I am a 34 year old self loathing married man, a father of three amazing children, overposting Instagram addict martial artist with an obsession for social networking, and a constant affliction for the need of my wife's home cooking. I am an unrepentant affiliate for the singularly BEST martial arts fight gear company. Ever. (Ever)

I have no vested interest in politics of any kind, none of councils, kingdoms, or nations under God.

My primary interest is networking with other martial artists. Regardless of your style, or it is origins, let's talk!
Fucking Spam
I like social media as much as I hate it, as much as the next person does. This duality isn't uncommon. Whatever.

9 friend requests, 8 of them were spam. Look, I just want to do martial arts, make friends, push some Piranha Gear, live, and let live.

Please don't spam me, I don't want to give my private email, or phone number, or win a S. African Lottery. Or a UK Lottery. I am not your soulmate, I have a wife and kids, I'm just here to meet like minded people, make friends, and share kara
From Now On...

Everything is Piranha Gear!

If you want the best fight gear - if you're tired of Everlast neverlasting - getting poisoned by Venum, or emptying your entire bank account of your precious £ € or ¥ into Hayabusa fight gear, go Piranha Gear, and put Bite in your Fight!


10% off your purchase with Piranha Gear if you use the discount code KT-74804-JHVE1Q at checkout!
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My Dietary Results
4 photos
My Eldest and Karate
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Martial Arts
25 photos
Favorite Things

Meat, cooked rare. Venison, Rabbit, Bear, Bison

Rockabilly, Psychobilly, Bluegrass

TV Show

Miyamoto Musashi, Sun Tzu

Comedies, Horror, Action

Night Club / Bar
Club Legends in Fresno, California - USA

Timber Wolf, Arctic Wolf

My Wife

Click here to view

Forests, Natural settings

Gi, Otterbox, XBox 360, PS4, Wii


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