In my own words dear hataz, i see u schemin and plottin in tha bacc/ dont even thynk i forgot whurrz yallz stankes azzes was at/ or who u b/ and am lovin it that u see me/ coz one day u gon see me livin in tha lapz of luxury ...livin happy/ i kno ur planz to bacc stab me/ i hurrd ur reasonz/ that am arrogant and lip-happy/ i kno u wish yallz coul pymp slap me/ it hurtz ya guttz that yallz beneath me/ and cant reach me/ i kno thurrs a lotta harsh lessonz u b wantin to teach me/ but yallz foolz cant touch me/ but i begg yallz to continue/ i see tha bytchez in u/ and it has me amused/ soma yallz say... rakeem had yallz used and abused/ get a life... i got one.... do u?/ coz if u did/ u woulda put it right behind u/ and nuccaz it aint ma fault that i outshyne u/ but lets be real and true..../ what do u seriously have to lose/ tha attenchun of a few female foolz/ that get they rockz off hangin offa popular nucca jewelz/ yallz boiz
its tha beginning of the yr of the golden pig for my chinese breh....some say it will b a year of turbulence since it is the pig but also a yr of sensitivity....holla ta ya boi
If I was a Millionaire... i would make every smoke weed n jam :P