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Name: terri
Details: 41 years old (Capricorn), Female, Single, Straight
Location: North London, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/terri_23x
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Milo and Mischa
noah and ally how cute r they x
and again
me in spain
In my own words

People are often unreasonable,
irrational, and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse
you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some
unfaithful friends and some genuine
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and sincere
people may deceive you;
Be honest and sincere anyway.
What you spend years creating
others could destroy overnight;
Create anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness,
some may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today,
will often be forgotten.
Do good anyway.
Give the best you have,
and it may never be enough;
Give your best anyway.
In the final analysis,
it is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway.
The Meaning Of Life...

Love & Family-Mama Rosa you are an inspiration and i couldnt ask for a more loving and supportive mama-My brothers,Luca,Massimo,Rafe,Daniele,Seb-My sisters,Carmella & Silvana-and my baby sister Cianna - love you all so much-My babies,Noah & Amelia-They are my life-Life isnt about the number of breaths you take but the moments that take your breath away-I am so blessed to be part of such a big & wonderful family i wouldnt be where i am today without each & every one of yo
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Comments 10 of 25 | post a comment | view all
mikeyboyuk wrote...  
hey how u doing? did u have a good weekend?fancy a chat on msn? [email protected] if you wanna?! xx
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jackconner wrote...  
Hello, im jack hows you..?
One question....
what about Micheal Jackcons Moon walk..have you ever tried do it when yr dancing in the rain bare foot in the park ???
Well i tried last week at a gig I was performing at an it went wrooong..I slipped.. ooops..lol
wanted to say hi as you seem kinda curious an kinda fun at the same time..
great smile btw..
ps great blogg....good wrds of wisdom..
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mikeyboyuk wrote...  
hey thougt id feel free and send u a msg....im on msn if u fancy ac [email protected] xx
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romeo_da_g wrote...  
some deep lyrics Im sure half the people that would read it, would agree. keep doing ya thang
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damon-p wrote...  
hi interestin words ; )
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drbadboy wrote...  
Well blimey, ive come to say hello, so pop by and leave a message sometime!! ;o) x
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bufordsboots wrote...  
hay seguramente algunos momentos que se llevan el aliento. Yo sólo tenía el mío, hermoso.
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pureitalian wrote...  
Hey,u definitely keep the italian flag up!!U r gorgeous...compliments to the mamma!!lolx
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awesomepip wrote...  
will u add me babe its [email protected]
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melanie_marisco wrote...  
people praise me for having 3 girls, but you have twins!! omg your great! good luck they look lovely! x
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Favorite Things

im italian - i eat anything

anything i can sing along to

TV Show
Stand up Comedies

Dave Pelzer, Autiobiographies

Leon, Lucky Number Sleven, Blood Diamond

Night Club / Bar
Hahas, IOS, Bar 10

my dogs - mischa and milo

My brother Massimo


My family and there's a lot of us!


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