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Name: Leila
Details: 42 years old (Libra), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Hartlepool, Cleveland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/tangible_blonde
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After the race for life- celebrating!
Trying to be serious
In my own words

I am just an honest, genuine kind of girl. I hate being messed around and prefer honesty, even if its bad, at least you're being honest. ;P I am not on here to give someone a green card nor do i want to do rudies with weirdo's! Or be paid for anything! Thanks, but no thanks.
So, if you would like to chat message me. Ta, :D
This Week's Plan...

is to save money from my New York trip!!!! :P
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Comments 6 of 6 | post a comment | view all
langrell wrote...  
haha cheers ur not to bad ur self like x
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marcolollipop wrote...  
why this girl got a body like daisy duke on a good day so come on girl slip inside my general lee and we will jump that river to the other side where the bees dont sting and the dogs dont bite, yee haa dang those pesky duke boys x
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marcolollipop wrote...  
am gona print off this gals picture & get it framed so I can give it to the charm school for young men, make it real easy for them boys to see what a 10/10 really looks like
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marcolollipop wrote...  
you look a very bad girl someone should spank your bottom
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madcobalt wrote...  
very nice urself drl xxx
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tezza_afc wrote...  
Hey, hows it going? Just saw your profile and wondered if you fancied a chat. Well if you do then message me back c ya
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Favorite Things

Just not mushrooms (or bananas)

I'll listen to anything!

TV Show

Easily the Rocky films

Night Club / Bar
Syndicate, Blackpool


Quite a few mates :D


MP4, moblie


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