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Brought up, not dragged up, thankya!
Name: tailoreddvagabond
Details: 41 years old (Cancer), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Manchester, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/tailoreddvagabond
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me again
In my own words

Hello...I guess this is the part where I say "oh, never know what to put here so message me if you want to know anything, byeee"...

My interests are varied, so I will spare you enduring a self-golrifying speech.

However, some things I do like are, stand up comedy, my Irish roots, live music, vintage clothes, eating out, putting the world to rights, awkward silences, people with manners and/or ambition, talking to people (though not strangers, my Mum told me not to) being with my mates and going on holiday!!

I'm told I have a witty and abstract sense of humour, I can hold a conversation and I call things as I see them so you know where you stand! Oh and I am naive about STUPID things...such as when my mate told me dogs can't look up! They can...apparently.

Say hello, as long as you're not an e-weirdo that is (the 'hiding in bins type').

Oh and, (this only applies to a certain few, but) although this might seem weird, ther
In A Perfect World...

I'd be Prime Minister (fter a VERY successful career as a Man United/Eire player (winger)) and teach everyone, especially them "let them all in and let's give locked up rapists and murderers a playstation and a degree while they serve no time at all" Liberals a good bit of common-fucking-sense, and stand up for what arsheholes wrongly call "the little people".

Then I'd go back in time to 2005 and put a shitload of money on Obama being President like I should have done
Comments 10 of 12 | post a comment | view all
iwanawollypop wrote...  
aww thanks hun :) x
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cheekybabylulu wrote...  
Hey you, i am off to bed now :) so ill reply back to you in the morning. sleep well :) write back xxx
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b3kk1 wrote...  
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lilsweetie42 wrote...  
fnx hunni x
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gemdaminx wrote...  
Gorgeous x
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littlemiss74 wrote...  
Thanx babe looking lovely urself x
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becca_f_1987 wrote...  
cheeky sod. i was pissed for my birthday weekend away with the girls. that believe or not was on the way out in the evening. already out of it lol
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sexytayla wrote...  
and why may i ask did that pic make u blush?!?! x
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x__minx__x wrote...  
haha love it! and do u believe everything ur mummy says? look iv run out of messages but if u fancy chattin properly n have msn then add me, [email protected] xx
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becca_f_1987 wrote...  
me moody? never lol. im a happy person me :)
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Favorite Things

Yes please

You don't have the time, honestly

TV Show
Brassyer, spaced, 24, Heroes, Shameless

Shakespeare, John Hogue, Oxford Thesaurus people

High Fidelity, Ronin, Ben Hurr, Team America

Night Club / Bar
Anywhere without snobs or scallies - BE NORMAL!!!

Tiger, raa

My Mum, Grandad, Eric Cantona, Spike Milligan

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Bed, Beach, Bar, Old Trafford

Cretainly not my fone! Left it @ home? 'kin GOOD!


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