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High Flyer, but coming in for a landing
Name: szodiac It's my Birthday!
Details: 46 years old, Male, Single, Straight
Location: California, and the world..., USA
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/szodiac
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My new office. It's a bit cramped...
Looking to the future...
My old job...
A good illustration of yours truly
In my own words

NOTE: MESSAGES FROM AFRICANS ARE DELETED OUT OF HAND! MESSAGES FROM SCAMMERS ARE VICIOUSLY MOCKED. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!! [We now return to our regular message] If I could choose two words to describe my life so far, those words would be eclectic and blessed. I have been blessed with a great family, good genes, fantastic friends, ambition, and drive. I have eclectic tastes in music, hobbies and past-times, food, and people in general. ...and so far, the only women who have successfully twisted me 'round their little fingers are my nieces Megs and Ally; who are 11 and 9 respectively.
My Eternal Dilemma...

The number of real people here seems vanishingly small. So far, I've gotten fifteen messages from Nigerian scammers, and several offers of eternal love from russian and ukrainian syndicates. C'mon people, prove me wrong here. Oh, and for all you Nigerian Scammers? You might want to reconsider telling us how God Fearing you are. It's a dead giveaway that you are a scammer. Really, it is. For more information, read my blog...
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Hard Driving

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Night Club / Bar
The O-Club

Leopard. Or, leopard print anything...

The Cockpit

Stick and Rudder


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