In my own words I made this page when I was 16yrs of age. Im now 24 so obviously older and a hell of a lot wiser. My name choice wasnt the best but I believe I have a slight sexiness to me. Why people feel the need to message me saying Im vain is quite pathetic. Its not vanity, its confidence which is something I used to have very little of and theres no way Im going to let anybody on here take that confidence away from me. If you dont like what you see then I can pretty much guarantee the feeling is mutual.
Ok apparently someone has been using my photos on here as Ive just been accused of the exact thing. I just wanna clarify that in actual fact the girl in my photos is genuinely me!!!! If I have to prove it by going on msn then I will. How dare someone use my photos. Maybe they are just jealous coz Im hot!!!!
In A Perfect World... People wouldnt be so judgmental. Enough said.
Hi babe! Love the pics and your totally drop dead gorgeous!!! I mean you are like stunning! Do you come on here much? You doing anything good this weekend? Xxxxx
I know what you mean about picking daft names... look at mine!.. I was round the same age and i'm into cars... but car_man wasnt all that imaginative. oh well... I could change it... now faceparty is free again... but this profile has history now... wont change it!
hey you little stunner, sure you get this so often but.... how you doing?? Good xmas?? Id love to chat on here or on msn if you have it?? My msn addy is [email protected] hope to chat