In my own words i am a nice lass but if u cross me in a bad way beware. i have a short temper and wont be held responsible 4 my actions. i am single n looking for some fun so if there is any single lads 18-26 out there give us a msg n lets c what happens. i dont do older men they try 2 control u n they think they own u so no thanks to all u oldies i like em young n ready not old and worn out lol xxxx
OMG ant bin on ere 4 fukin ages i was gona give up on it cos i got a bf but it turned out he was a tossa he lied to me bout some important stuff so that was it . well hes gone now n am so over him bk on ere lukin 4 some 1 who is HONEST not a lying twat lol ant way msg me if u wana chat love nicole xxxx
My Mum Says... i dont choose to love you i have to lol