In my own words Ello Name's Lianne, 19 Live In Bournemouth =] Love A Good Laugh && Up For Anything Really! Love Ma Alcohol, Love Ma Music And Love Going Raving!! If Ya Wanna No More Gimme A Holla && Il Get Back To Ya ;)
ermmm yea hiii! wats the point in this?! ther isnt one yayness! ermmm hmm BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE rulez! anddd ummm matt dopson is secretly gay and hmm jess ur wiked ermmm and jamie is now a big fat hairy old man coz hes 21 now yayness! luvvies xxxx
If You Pay Me... I'll Do What You Want, When You Want ;) xXx
Ahoy there fellow tongue pierced person. Bloody hell you're subtext under your screen name is a bit of an understatement! Can't argue with that at all! Hope all's good. xx