In my own words weellll..wer do i start haha hmmm well first of all mi name is holliee dont 4 get it !!...i lurv all mi m8s best days of me life so far been down to them!.. specially helen n emma:D..oh and jess'n' louize!!..god ive had sum bludi mad tymes!!!haha well yanoo..i like 2 go clubbinnn and livin mi life 2 its best cus ye onli life i dont like 2 waste ne seccond of it!i also like abit of alchol well hu can resist:P i also lurrv football!!:P :D i live in sunny old wigan cof cof haha!!i love to have fun and i love laughin i mean you only life once dont ye!?!? i respect anyone hu respects me and i beilve that you shouldnt judge anyone before yo kno them .. me mum taught me that one! XxXxX
My Funniest Moment... Me and my best mates were on holiday in spain and in our villa all the water went off at this point we were half way through washin our hair!!so we decided to fill about 20 bottles of water up and take them over this wall behind all the apartments near by. so we are peacefully taking a shower yes naked! and this massive red wasp came so we all ran off screaming not remebering we were naked and ran out into the pool were everyone was!!! highly embarasing but piss funny!!