In my own words Heeyyy..Well im lora, 16 nearly 17. Im at college doinn health and social care. I aint no airhed or nuttin im down to earth. Im lyk any typical girl lyk goin out..gettin you do haha! Rite well ran out of fings to say so if ya got anyfin you wna noo then drop me a message n i might even reppli bak :D chow chow!
From Now On... im goin to live life to the full make sure i wanna do everythin i wna do! enjoy every moment of everyday..ave a nu people and PARTY HARD!! wen it cums down to Havin a boyfriend...hmm...well not even gonna go to many pretty bois who fink there to good to treat a gal properly soo am offically stayin single! haa! so ther you go fink ive got ma point across =]