In my own words welcome 2 mi page hope u like it all the stuff i do r clubbing out with m8z shopping nd all tht also prtying
look at this
1. Your Full Name: ---> 2. Age: ---> 3. Single or Taken: ---> 4. Favorite Movie: ---> 5. Favorite Song: ---> 7. Kinky or Clean: ---> 8. Do we know each other outside of bebo?: ---> 9. What song reminds you of me?: ---> 10. Would you keep a secret from me?: ---> 11. What is your favorite memory of us?: ---> 12. Tell me one odd/intresting fact about you?: ---> 13. Do you want to tell me something that you couldn't before?: ---> 14. If I were a candy what would?
This Week's Plan... going out with my m8z going clubbing gtting pissed aving a laugh lol
Meetin Buffage Boiz init
Ny Buff Boiz Out Thier Cum 2 Mi Page Im Single Nd Luvin It Up Fr Sum Fun
hi you ok. hope u got a load of eggs 2day! what u been up 2. just got in from rugby hardly move now! you got much planned 2moz. if u fancy a chat [email protected] xxx
hey hun i was jst wonderin if im lucky enough 4 ur msn addy 4 a chat hun ur well fit. i got more pics of me on thr 4 u if u wnt hun n im sure u wont b disapointed hun x x