In my own words um well the name is sugar um im 20 ;p i so dont wanna be old im liek a little kid at heart ,im an aussie shelia :P ahha but im half Maltese thats where i get my loud mouth n my love for fully sick cars ;p im currently unemployed as i come back from workin 8 1/2 months in the remote location of ayers rock WOOOT SOS SHIT CUNT CREW MISS YA ALL :p , where i met the most amazing shitest cunt people ever and learnt alot!!. so um yeh wat else i drive the most sexciest car ever my fully sick mirage :P um im into anythin from the footy GO MANLY, moto's . boats , fishin and i cant forget the v8 supercars FORD No.1 ! i can be gurly wen i want but im so not afraid to get my hands dirty . my mates all say im crazy n sum times embrassin but i love to have fun n dance and shake my booty!! Ive got the bestest family n mates u could ask for and mean da world to me . Um my dream in life is to travel to every country in da
The Meaning Of Life... life is wat u make it . not some one elses idea of life n if u cant bite u betta not show ur teeth
Hi ya well u look amazin well were u from i was wonderin do u have msn if u do would u fancy talkin to me online i hope so. Well hope u have a gd day and by the way ur really pretty add me get my msn addy on my profile take care TOBY x0x0x0x0x0x0x