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Name: natalie
Details: 34 years old (Aries), Female, Open Minded
Location: bedworth, Warwickshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/supachic2005
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In my own words

im no gd at things like this!....but want 2 talk or get 2 no me?....message me n see were it goes! :P xx btw plz DUNT private chat me if im online the pants thing dunt work 4 me, thanks xx oh and no one over the age of 24 ish!!!! or u wont get a reply!!!! im not ageist or anythin like that its just ive had some messages off older people n they creep me.
My Dream Date...

would be realy romantic, with the person of my dreams. maybe startin off at the cinemas or for a meal and then goin for a nice long walk hand in hand, holding each other close, talkin like we dont give a damn, gettin to know each other more or just enjoying each others company.
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Comments 4 of 4 | post a comment | view all
2pinkies_69er wrote...  
Hi Hun,
How are you ?
Sorry there is nothing on my profile but I am pissed off with people taking my pics. I can show you pics on msn. I would really like to talk to you my msn is [email protected]
Hope to hear from you soon
Charlie xxx
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nickyanmar wrote...  
hey hun your looking great hehe wud love to chat if thats ok ?. . . . . do u have msn?
mine is [email protected] xx
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sugarandspicegirl wrote...  
nice to hear from u. u seem fun to talk too, drop me ur msn addy and we'll chat.. xxoxo
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sugarandspicegirl wrote...  
hey how are you?
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Favorite Things

ice cream, cadburys chocolate

pop, dance- not reali bothered

TV Show
2 pints of larger and a packet of crisps

Meg Cabot, people who write black lace

Freaky Friday, the grudge,skelton key,

Night Club / Bar
liquid n envy?

parrots n elephants

Phill Tuffnil

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many!, but my bed,

moblie,car n m8s!


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