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Name: sunseteyes16
Details: 32 years old (Aries), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Gosport, Hampshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/sunseteyes16
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Wickid nite!
4am in da morin pissed out my head
In my own words

hiya, im jenny a shy girl but when i get to no u im ok im allways up for a laugh and knows how to av a gd time. Girls are like apples on a tree, the best ones are at the top of the tree but the boys dont want to cimb to the top of the tree and reach for the good ones because they are impatient and dont want to make the effort, instead they just pick the rotten apples from the ground that are not as good but easy to get so the apples at the top of the tree think something is wrong with them but in reality there amazing they just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who is brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree and pick them. Welcome to the top of the tree ;-) BUT sometimes there is a boy who doesnt deserve a good apple but gets one anyway cause hes used a ladder and the apple is deceived, it thinks he has been brave enough to have climb to the top of the tree wanting the good apples but he is a fake!
My Best Day...

The day i found out my sister was pregnant! Due- Febuary 08 Yeppeeee
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Comments 10 of 11 | post a comment | view all
allott142 wrote...  
thanks for the comment babe ur lookin gorgeous urself very sexy xxxx
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studash1 wrote...  
I wrote your name in the sky, but the wind blew it away. I wrote your name in the sand, but the waves washed it away. I wrote your name in my heart, and forever it will stay.
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mem101 wrote...  
yea baby [email protected] xxx
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mem101 wrote...  
elo huni ta for comment u r stunnin xxx
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howes_lane wrote...  
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belfastladsxi wrote...  
Hiya Sexy! Marky ere from Ireland, Hows it goin huni? xx
hey have ya got msn? x
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djupinhere99 wrote...  
u r fineeeu gt msn x
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fase_88 wrote...  
Aite bbez, u kl? Nice pics! Lukkin sexy u no! :D Hope ur gd hun, add me if u fancy a chat init [email protected]
Stay gd bbe, bless xxx
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bob678_99 wrote...  
im ok sexy chillin at home open to offers u????
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bob678_99 wrote...  
lookin stunnin to sexyt yummy if u want me n sum fun let me have ur msn n see xxx
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Rnb hip hop drum n bass and a bit of hardcore

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big brother n eastenders!!!!

dont have one

stand by me!

Night Club / Bar
yeh im 18 and over lol


my gourgous bitch emily


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