In my own words I like noodles and chilli. If you give me nachos i'll faint with happiness. I'm music's bitch and sometimes she doesn't like to share me. I've never been able to hula hoop or juggle. I feel that despite these handicaps i've done awrite. Studying to get my masters, not my greatest idea and the term 'studying' is used very loosely. I think about studying a lot. I feel this suffices. I have 26 tattoos and i have been pursuing my half sleeve for sometime only to be shot down by so called tattoo 'artists' who are no better with a needle than a junkie already high. The hunt continues. My favourite Jesus is ninja Jesus. That's all ya gotta know.
Just a little note. MEN i love you to bits and i would be nowhere without the men in my life. However and read carefully now...The only thing that gets any reaction from my private area is a hot woman. The thought of a penis anywhere near me makes me want to vomit. If ya just want to chat though....
If I was a Millionaire... i wouldnt be talking to you.
I couldn't even begin to fathom hom much a stubbed toe would hurt. So I won't even try! Did you actually stub your toe or were you just informing me of the kind of pain you'd be in if you had?...