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Name: Samantha
Details: 35 years old (Scorpio), Female, In Relationship, Bisexual
Location: *(Axton)*(Virginia)*(U.S of A.)*, USA
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/stitchy
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MaH BaBaY!
...LiFe oR SoMeThiNg LiKe iT...
Um..YeS'eM?! o.O
In my own words

[What's to say, I smoke cigarettes like they're going out of style..nasty little expensive freakin' habit...boys cause nothing but trouble and a lot of pain, golfers= suicidal tendencies...Local shows are a great way to vent...analytical member of my own third party, Bush will kill us all...I' won't be what you want exactly for me to be, I tend to stray from stable, sickness is a pain in the ass...depression is the leading killer of my Friday nights...stay out of my business and I'll stay your friend...speak to me as long as you have something intelligent to say, unless you catch me in a rare mood, obscenities are a blessing, I will have Synister Gates and Jim Root all to myself, and don't pop my bubble or it will be your life!, Damn right I can be a b**ch but you'll get over that, I will speak my mind if you provoke it and more than likely you won't like what you hear, don't push me for I will jump when I'm ready unless I feel you shou
From Now On...

I will see your beautiful face before I cry my last tear and fall into sleep...I will think of you when my eyes open before the sun and I weep...You are my gift from God no matter if you love me...You are everything and always will be but please remember me.
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Favorite Things

I'd be a vegetarian if it wasn't for chicken

RocK, MeTaL \m/O.o\m/ PunK, eTc.

TV Show
-<(The Apprentice)>-<( Will And Grace)>-

[Emily Dickinson] [E.A. Poe]

:{Donnie Darko}:

Night Club / Bar

~†Piper & Zoe~†~Adeline Penguins†~...s0 cute :D

Jeremiah <3, Randa, lots of others

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.: where ever he leads me :.

¤My Stitch doll¤


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