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Name: Danielle
Details: 32 years old (Virgo), Female, In Relationship, Straight
Location: Swindon, Wiltshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/steaminghotcutie
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Me at Swindon Firestation :P
me n my sis
Me n Fran
me n na
In my own words

Dnt reli no wot 2 write here! Here goes! i live in swindon. Ive jus finished skl and am now going ito college to do public services for 2 yrs. Erm most people ask me if i have ne piercings so i guess i should say here instead of telling every one over and over again. I have my ears pierced twice, my belly and my tongue. I usually am out wit my cousin but i work on the weekends and i am also on a wednesday night at drama group hangin out wit all my m8s there. If u wana talk 2 me ask 4 my msn cause last time i left my addy on sumat like this i got all sorts of weirdos adin me!
My Pet Hate...

Is when you are sat in the cinema and someone you are with turns to you and says did you see that? ad you are lyk no i must have missed the huge screen in front of me - how on earth did i manage that? Then once that has happened you have missed half the film by trying to get the other person o stop talkin! My sister does that all the time :(
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Comments 8 of 8 | post a comment | view all
oralgod1985 wrote...  
Hiya, How are you... You have any plans for the wet weekend??? just saw ur profile... ur a beautiful woman... id love to chat Dont really know what to say on these things... if u fancy a chat mail me back or if u have msn you could add me [email protected] Speak soon
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strongbow3113 wrote...  
Hey, you sound really nice, I hope you enjoy public services its a good course. And your into drama to which is always good. fancy talking more? Or can I have your msn? Nick x
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dancersknowhowto1 wrote...  
lookin gorjus babes, wow!!! come say hello sumtime soon!!! ross
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decxx wrote...  
add me its [email protected]
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dilated_pupils wrote...  
elo elo, hows it goin babe? was browsing n liked ur profile n pix, u lookin pretty hot babe,beautiful jus wondered if u fancied chattin sometime? maybe msn or something? hit me back n wit ur addy if u fancy it lol
tall/ dark n sooo fookin yourz! lol ;p xx
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shudabeenblonde wrote...  
haha doubt it....u would have looked better covered in mud.... haha
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shudabeenblonde wrote...  
your supposed to accept the comment numpty!!! lol... you mean i looked sexy.... earlier!!! haha....looked even better when i was stuck in the mud!
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shudabeenblonde wrote...  
Hey Sexy!!!! :p
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All of it except oprah n screamy rock crap

TV Show
Hollyoaks - only thing i watch reli

Honey, White Chicks, all scary movies, date movie

Night Club / Bar
Studio - only 1 i can get in2 lol


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