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educator to few, student of many. barman in emergencies
Name: Chris
Details: 39 years old (Sagittarius), Male, Single, Straight
Location: chester, Cheshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/stantonrawley
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I'm the one with the beard
a taster of the feast for your eyes
Stanton Rawley, aka Brad Pringle, aka Chris
Me with Amber Benson (Tara from buffy)
In my own words

An inspiration to the side of good, strikes paralysing fear into the side of the bad. My sense of humour explains a lot about me. Enjoy fratranizing with my friends. I am in Chester. It is as rough as the chavs which inhabit it. I've never missed Liverpool more. I don't miss Middlesbrough as much, the chavs ease the pain.
I love all kinds of music, with exceptions of dance/trance/hard house/pop and country... really, whats the point? Most of it doesn't have a good beat. Or else it has just the same beat, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over...

Looking for fun and friendship, relationships and later, if it feels right, stalking.

Mary Ann Hobbes still has a lot to answer for...
In A Perfect World...

my job would be easier
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Favorite Things

Pizza, chicken, Curry, Pasta

rock, ska, punk, richard cheese - legend

TV Show
Buffy, Angel, Family Guy, CSI, South Park

Grant Naylor

Spiderman 1&2, Sin City, Batman Begins

Night Club / Bar
Krazyhouse, Piper (R.I.P.), NME nights

Fish.... Reel Big ones

Brad Pringle... what a guy!

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Bed, a gig or the poker table

TV remote control, Ipod


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