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Name: Adam Trotman
Details: 40 years old (Leo), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Tividale, West Midlands, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/stallion_uk21
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Ripped vest!
SuperHero Uniform
Lieing on the Bed!!
Leanin outta bed
In my own words

Ok... maybe my profile was a little unapealing to the oposite sex.. so i might actually have to put something a little less Ladish!.. Sorry to all of those who may of read this profile of previous and thought what a c**k... i was a young foolish 20 year old when i created this... beforehand.. neway my own words.. now i've matured abit.. kinda like cheese leave it on the shelf long enough it gets moldy abit like people.. but the older the cheese the better the taste. But i don't actually like mature cheese so i dunno why i have even refered it!.. lol.. other than that i like to go out have a good time and treat a woman with respect.. even tho my old profile had none of that. which is probably why i had no msg's i feel like such a pork sword!.. well if you fancy a chat don't hesitate to contact me... i am quite harmless an amusing so if u fancy a laugh just give a lil holla!.. laters

The Meaning Of Life...

Well i personally believe this is all about. 1. Why the feck we do stupid things. 2. Finding a life partner!! 3. Self Confidence (note to all come's with age). 4. Discovering your sexual organs (this is a fun period for men from around 13 - death and women just lie about it lol). then finally... 5. Tryin to earn as much cheese (money) as possible!

There ya go!
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Favorite Things

KFC / Maccy D's / Mixed meat Doner!

Everything and Anything

TV Show
Family Guy / Lost / Futurama

How not to Live your life by ME!

Too many films to choose from!

Night Club / Bar
Waterfront Merry Hill (BAR EDGE)

Lion's there just kings!

My Dad

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My Room with weights and a women if im lucky!

My Confidence!


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