In my own words am a happy, quiet n a loud lass if that makes sence lol x
i used to like to be wiv my friends weneva i get the chance, i like bein in ma m8s cars wiv da tunes blasting nd were spinning in my home twn xxWORKINGTONxx but now im living in my own house which is gawjus by the way (no am not a big head lol)i have my son who was born november 7th and he is absolutely beautiful !!!!x
From Now On... im the gal who`ll tell the truth even if its gonna hurt becos wats the need in liein to people just luk wher thats got men so far dnt be a fanny n tell it like it is x
heya hun how are you, i think you look amazing in your pic and sound really nice hun, ive gotta tell you i think those eyes are gorgeous hehe, i just wondered if you fancied a chat sometime id love to get to know you better xxx
hey I know this sounds like a odd question but would you ever like a guy as ur cash slave, your stunning. Im 23 from carlisle, would love to chat and be ur cash slave i have pic on msn- whats your add
Hi how are you? I hope you don't mind me sending you this message. I was just browsing through the profiles of people on here and came across yours. I must say I don't send messages on here all that often but couldn't resist sending you one. You are beautiful and I was just wondering if you'd be up for a chat sometime? Please reply. Nikki XXX