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Name: Squizzie
Details: 37 years old (Pisces), Male, Single, Bisexual
Location: Bourne, Lincolnshire (until April), United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/squizzie
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There's nothing like a good long puff in the morn
Amanda, I love you.
In my own words

Bloody hell, it's been so long since I'd updated this that my profession was two years out of date and my poor little ratty was still showing as one of my pets (he died :( ).

I am studying psychology by correspondence and working full time yet still making sure I find time to get out and enjoy myself. I am also on facebook and bloody addicted to joining groups that I never actually access.

I'm living in Syd now but used to live in East Anglia in the UK (and before that E. Sussex). I miss it a bit but can't deal with the cold.

Message me, I'm more interesting than this profile indicates, I promise.

To clarify in advance, no I'm not confused or yet to make up my mind.
My Best Day...

...was actually a specific moment.

I took a big orange sign to a gig asking Amanda Palmer (of the Dresden Dolls) to kiss me. She did. Tongues and all. Heaven on Earth.
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an_ordinarygirl wrote...  
hehe thank you hope u had a blast juz like me =]
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an_ordinarygirl wrote...  
happy birthday to you n me =]
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Favorite Things

Creme Eggs

Ani DiFranco; Anti-Flag; Amanda Palmer etc

TV Show

George Orwell although I don't read much

Closer, Waking Life, Lola Rennt

Night Club / Bar
Met Lounge




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