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Name: squillysarah
Details: 32 years old, Female, Single, Straight
Location: slough, Berkshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/squillysarah
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In my own words

well first i should warn u all that im totally crazy. i've been learning how to play guitar for agggges (i have an Encore Strat and a BC Rich Virgo) =oP and ive got a bass muwhahaha. im a happy person most of the time unless someones pi ssed me off. my fav bands consist of Slipknot (they rule) Disturbed System of a Down 36 crazy fists Killswitch Engaged hatebreed misfits A.F.I manson default creed the list goes i ramble on about guitar or music which is pretty much what my lifes about and having fun of course =o) i also have a very weird random sense of humor muwhahahaha if u wanna message me go ahead i'll always reply and please rate me!

my msn is [email protected]
The Meaning Of Life...

Some people are like Slinkies--they are really good for nothing. However, they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.
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Favorite Things

Chocolate, icecream, CHOCLATE ICECREAM malteaser

metal old metal rock punk grunge

TV Show
friends simpsons worlds wildest police videos

Terry Pratchett

trainspotting human traffic dirty danceing LOTR

Night Club / Bar
dont know


mum lee evans and all the people that made me,

anywhere that isnt slough

Family, Animal, Friends, Guitars, CD collection


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