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*Glitterwh0re. Beauty. Bizarre.Bran flakes.*
Name: Talie
Details: 36 years old (Cancer), Female, Single, Bisexual
Location: Talie-land, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/spud_pudding
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Surr0unded by......unnatural darkness?
The P0SER.
G0llum rawcks my s0cks.
In my own words

I kn0w i am an em0_scum! I have piercings, dreads, tatt00s, yet y00 still want t0 empl0y me? What is the deal? Zacky. Y00 rawck my s0cks. <333
Thanky00 t0 the bank and t0 my l0verly friends f0r making me wh0 i am t0day. *yeah thanks a l0t y00 guys* Thanks t0 faceparty, wh0 made this webpage p0ssible. And my g0ldfish. and my hamster called spud. and avenged sevenf0ld and atreyu f0r making the best m00sic p0ssible. anD Gibs0n guitars. and Marshall amps wh0 w0uld n0t make *Electric Mistress* p0ssible. I kn0w wearing red lipstick makes my teeth l00k whiter. I kn0w what y00 think 0f me. I d0nt give a buttered barnacle. D0nt f0 0 king fake me.
I l0ve y00 all.
D0nt disrespect me 0r my l0ved 0nes by leaving me an ign0rant, sexual c0mment. Y00 waste my time, and y0urs. [x] Gerard Way = awes0me. !!! er my livejournal is SWAN_MANNEQUIN . damn its t00 l0ng t0 fit in the website thingy. duh! *slaps f0rehead*
This Week's Plan...

Get s0me more tatt00s. Get 0ver this bruise fr0m my star. Get all way way excited ab0ut My Chemical R0mance -Apr 9th!!! Make s0me m0re c0mic b00ks. Sell 0n ebay. (The c0mic b00ks that is.) Bleach my hair. Dance ar0und t0 the Bravery a bit m0re. P0ke my friends.
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Kidney thieves to Killswitch. All 0ver the place.

TV Show
The 0.C/Sp0ngeb0b

Carl Sagan/Marquis De Sade

Shawshenk Redempti0n/NMBC/Natural B0rn Killers

Night Club / Bar

Kitty feet/ nekkid m0lerat

Tim Burt0n*Jeph H0ward*Gerard Way*Ayn Rand

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Stere0 system. Camera. Pimp daddy trucker cap.


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