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Name: spike
Details: 36 years old (Capricorn), Male, Single, Straight
Location: kelty, Scotland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/spike231286
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the future's bright, the futures orange
whitey dave n me
whitey stevie summers n me
arif stevie me n sum randon called lee
In my own words

rite am spike, quite sound up fir a laugh, n am up kirkaldy n the toon like eavry week, a big shout 2 whitey n kev, n summers stevie n dat they're pretty mental likes n every1 else a ken, message me if u want likes or add me 2 msn n tak the time 2 rate me eh!
This Week's Plan...

is to start off in sinkeys then go 2 jiggies cause its buy 1 get 1 free, then stagger 2 the ballroom at 12 then at 2 afore a get a taxi home, go 2 pizza boy, WHAT A PLAN!!
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Favorite Things

al eat anyhing

any really

TV Show
simpsons, shameless n offside

braveheart,n da godfather likes

Night Club / Bar
johnsons n the ballroom n the foundry, n AD


yours truley

the ballroom

prob ma car likes


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