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Hi, it's been ages since we last met *mwah*
Name: Hannah McGahan
Details: 37 years old (Gemini), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Redditch, Worcestershire or on Planet G4!, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/spankeyhani
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me drinking a pint (I wish!)
ha! told ya they'll reply hahaha! HANDS OFF!
WOW! Jon on the big screen *THUD*
OMG! Jonathan from G4 singing to me!!! aaagh!
In my own words

I'm mad and PROUD! i'm also a big G4 nut (and i'm not ashamed of it!) went to see them on the X Factor tour THEY ROCKED!, i also love travel specially Spain, (Barcelona being a fave city of mine)bar from loving G4 i love all types of music. I'd like to say hi to my mates andy, mike, hayley, saz, shell, ange, jo, and to all my online buddies on G4-ONLINE *wavez hi* I also follow the greatest football team in the midlands ASTON VILLA! UP THE VILLA! i would love to be FAMOUS one day!(be married to a member of G4 lol!)omg! 13th August 2005 was AMAZING I saw G4 at Berkeley Castle and they raised the roof plus I got close up pics of them lol!also I am a MASSIVE fan of Top Gear Richard Hammond: HOT!
My Best Day...

3rd july 2004 - It was the day i went 2 ragley hall 2 c Jamie Cullum, it was 1 heck of a night! one day i'll NEVER forget in a long while!

Friday 25th Feb 2005 - I went to see the X Factor live. 1 word - AMAZING! G4 of course ROCKED! as did Tabby, Steve, Voices With Soul and Rowetta!

Saturday 13th August 2005 - the day I saw G4 at Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire one word: BRILLIANT! and the boys were on fire I advise you get their second album out on 21st Novemb
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Favorite Things

Chilli Con Carne

G4, Queen, Jamie Cullum and Evanescence

TV Show
Will and Grace,Doctor Who,Big Brother,Top Gear


Moulin Rouge, The Guru , 8 mile

Night Club / Bar
Bar Panorma (Castell Montgri,Estratit, Spain)

White Kittens

G4 and Richard Hammond DING DONG!

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Barcelona, Wimbledon and anywhere in Ireland

mp3 player, mobile phone and barcelona flag


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