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And one time in bandcamp...
Name: Sophie
Details: 39 years old (Taurus), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Newmarket / Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/sophizzle
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Me and Sam in Pacinos (I'm on the left)
Me when I get up in the morning!
Me n Heather in Sydney
In my own words

By crikey mate! Look at that croc! What a beauty, he's getting really pissed off! Lets see what happens when I throw a bit of tucker into the equation! And whoa, look, its a western diamond-back rattlesnake over there, luuurrking in the bush! And heres my good old friend Sheila the koala bear - she loves to feed off eucalyptus leaves and laze in the beautiful aussie sunshine.

Oh no.... hold on, those aren't my own words, thats Steve Irwin.... sorry (this happens sometimes without warning, and there is no medication for it...)
Ok real stuff about me. I am a hard worker, an even harder player, big on fitness now and I'm a bit wierd but people seem to like it.
My Pet Hate...

Having to peel garlic. When the phone stops ringing just as you get to it. BMWs. Running out of toilet paper. When the plastic bit on microwave meals doesn't peel off. Small silly dogs that you can put in your handbag. Small silly handbags. MSG in my takeaway. How Dominos claim they sell pizza when its really fatty sugary american savoury cake that doesn't contain a trace of any natural ingredient known to man. Ben Sherman. Periods.
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Comments 3 of 3 | post a comment | view all
jamos9 wrote...  
You seem highly amusing yet exceedingly scrumptious!! God made a good one here! xx
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baz1983 wrote...  
babes u are stunning, nice profile, great pics 2. what a lady, some would call it blessed... baz x x x x
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m9sno wrote...  
hey sophie, this has gotta genuinely be one of the best profiles ive read in a long while! you sound like a really funny girl! anyway, take a peek at mine + message me bach sometime :)
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6 photos
Favorite Things

Anything remotely digestable

Fall Out Boy totally rules dude!!!

TV Show
I'm addicted to Scrubs! Its Dr Cox....


DODGEBALL! (Hey, it's Steve the pirate!)

Night Club / Bar
Any place that wont throw me out

My weirdo veggie,sensitive, mad and horny dog Jed

Frederick Chopin, Albert Einstein, Maurits Ecsher

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The magical land I go to when I'm asleep

My trainers - they take me loads of places


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