In my own words I know the whole snooker thing is a bit strange, but I used to go to tournaments with my dad and brother and just got into it. I guess it just stuck with me :) I've heard all the jokes so to clarify: I've never gone for the pink (although never say never lol); I don't pot the brown; I've never had the white follow the black in; I'm sorry if blue balls are a problem for you; yes I appreciate a smooth cueing action; no my doubles partner isn't The Grinder; and no, I'm not going to teach you deep screw. If you've got something new let's hear it, but hopefully there won't be any bad contacts! I come from a Baptist family so it would be great to meet other Christians or spiritual people...Also if you send me pervy messages I will make them public and humiliate you :) (although I think some of you like that lol).