In my own words
 Guday m8 =) My names Al am 6ft 4 brown hair green eyes, an no am not from Australia but i am quite random sumtimes =) nowt rong wid that is there? hope not ha. carnt b arsed writein ne fin realy, 2 many gays on this site, am sick of many gays sendin me messages. to the guys that bat for the other team, i wanna av a laff wid nice girls =) not guys that take it up the ass, cum on that is grim, gayboys ha! you all smell! if your gay an you've bothred 2 read this far unlucky pal, o yeh an if u look at the pics were am in the porche u can see that its actualy me sat in the car, an ma bike is in the background haha =P |
This Week's Plan...
 Make money doin forigners after work an Get Blitzed, Why Not? |