In my own words I would say i am an easy person to get on with, and what really annoys me is ppl with no manners and ppl not talking to me coz i am big built nothing wrong with that personality counts much mor than looks, and i wud lv to find a bf i hate being single lol xxx
The Meaning Of Life... Is to have a laugh with friends and family etc if any one wants to chat add me to msn [email protected] as long as ur not a werido lol xxxx
babe i know u must be havin msn probs or summin but summin has to stop there are too many ppl leavin dirty comments on ur profile....u shud delete them babe...ronnie for example askin 4 ur home number...cheeky cunt...i not beein bosy,...jus protetcin ya....if it carriers on den ill be makein a complain about him and anyone else hu leaves rude comments....wb or message me on msn wen u can hun xxx
hi bab i run out of messages lol do u have msn messenger hun? either message back or send me a comment plz or if ya do have msn cud i have ya addy plz? wb xx