In my own words Wot d i say mmmm brraaap ysys peple itz skotiejay. im friendly an outgoin love to have a laugh wiv the ladz were eva we end up lol. Im at col at the mo studien carpentry srt ov.... I love to go out cruzin on the wkend sumtimes. Cruzin aint a crime!!! an i suport birmingham city. yhyh i knw thy ent the bst buh wot cn u do lmao. if u wna gt to knw me beta my msn is [email protected]. Uneva knw u mite lik me. N if u DNT ow wel. speak soon
Well in the end itwas a gud wkend' Im bk at coll wed. The start of mi new life hpefull. Wnt crzin t the wkend. Ad a gud nyt on sat was buzin. Sun wz a bit of a dwna. On the plus sid managd to getmi neni 5 gtt. Fully sidewy on lok. Bin pactisin abi. managed to twat the kerb few mnths ago bt all gud nw.woop woop.
In A Perfect World... Yhyh wah eva like hat wud eva b!!!! life with out BILLZ!!!!