Hi there got told about faceparty and thought it looked like a laugh. There are loads of gorgeous ladies on here so had to join.
To all the people sending me messages slagging me off saying my pics are fake please get a life as i am not in the habbit of putting up fake pictures just to get a girl.
Also who ever it is who has stolen my pictures and put them on there profile get a life you will be reported to faceparty once i find your profile YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
Any girls who do want to chat and that like my profile add me [email protected]
Hi guys im currently designing a website that id like to make for all my friends that go in the bristol and southwest chatroom thought it would be a good place to get everyone from the southwest area to meet i will have a chat room games forum downloads etc etc any feedback on this idea would be great also can someone give me a witty idea of a domain name i could use for the site for example www.southwestchatters.com any ideas would be great bye for now adam xx
In A Perfect World...
I wouldnt be single id have a gorgeous girlfriend and loads of money and id live happily ever after can but dream i guess hahaha !!!!