In my own words Alright time to fill this in a bit more. I'm 27 currently work part time. My hobby are Hiking, camping, swimming, dancing/singing a good book from time to time also gaming ect. Yes I will give you a run for your of duty I like to watch the WWE and really want to go and see a show one day. I can go out to bars and have nights in depending on mood. Like every other girl like my lip gloss and i'm sporting some wild hair atm..the curls are in XD I'd like to talk to some decent people who can have a conversation. Well that's it for now throw me a msg if you want..or not :)
The Meaning Of Life... Just decide how your going to do it and who your going to be.Believe something different will happen. You have to believe in you. Before you can put your vision...your goal into action. You can't let what other people might think of you enter your mind...tell yourself everyday and I heard this from a movie but 'If you wasn't here tomorrow would you be proud of what you've done in this life? If not better start getting square' <3