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Hello :)
Name: shyup4fun07
Details: 55 years old, Male, Single, Open Minded
Location: Southampton, Hampshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/shyup4fun07
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xx_imperfect_xx wrote...  
yeah great thanks :) had a picnic in the sunshine, was lovely! did you have a nice weekend? xx
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thatgemgirlx wrote...  
exactly. oh well. last week next week :)
i got a swallow on my hip.. i've got a picture up. it didn't hurt that much because i got the numbing cream (it's bloody amazing) but when he went over the bone and some bits where the cream hadn't properly absorbed.. but it was like a quick scraping pain, completely bareable!
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thatgemgirlx wrote...  
ha sounds fun
meh it's been okay. just college and stuff. can't really do much, i got a new tattoo yesterday so i'm being really careful. should crack on with revision but i can't see that happening! you? x
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thatgemgirlx wrote...  
hello, i'm not too bad thanks, how are you?
Weeked was good... nothing went to plan but it all ended up randomly fun. yours? x
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_xpandax_ wrote...  
when we going to make own game show? :P
lolz x
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_xpandax_ wrote...  
yeah not bad hun
just work and that
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_xpandax_ wrote...  
been a while
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emroar wrote...  
im exactly the same actually1 hahaa
msn faceboo faceparty all on the go, and itunes too, alas im not listening to kings of leon, its currently all american rejects haha.
going for a walk involves effort though, im lazy.
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emroar wrote...  
love it.
aww, thats cool. it cant be that bad!
do u live in like main southampton near west quay and that?
haha yeah maybe you will :D
you upto much at the moment then?
im getting increasingly more annoyed with my music, really pooey songs keep coming on shuffle:(
and im actually contemplating going on a walk by myself - i'm that bored!
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emroar wrote...  
if you were to point it out to me i would probably be like
but off the top of my head i can't place it. then again im reallyy bad at directions haha.
ohh really! what made u move to southampton then?
haha singstar is aamaazzze :D i love it.
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