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You can save me from tis wirling of madness :D!!!
Name: Sophie
Details: 34 years old (Capricorn), Female, In Relationship, Straight
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/shuwbert
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In my own words

Sooo yeh not much to say here am just turned 20. Work as a life guard and youth worker which is great love doing it. Also study full time and applying for edin and dundee this year which is exciting :D:D:D!!!

Pretty much just spend time with my friends and family and Grant the panda himself lol!!!

Wont to no anything else just ask soph xox
If I was a Millionaire...

I recon If I was a millionaire I would buy a new flat, go shoping for loads o clothes an jewlery treat my friends like gold an put the money away just watching the intrest build hehe!!!
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Comments 5 of 5 | post a comment | view all
big_g_ wrote...  
Yeh I should put up some new pics on this think it's been about 4 years or something lol. Hahahaha howmany random weirdos you gotten messages from... must of had one or two people asking you to lick their feet or something lol the joys of faceparty :P
Grant xox
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shysally90 wrote...  
Hi gorgeous. Just wanted to drop you a line to let you know that you are absolutely stunning hun. Shame your straight tho, I could do some really naughty things to you he he ;) Wanna chat? xxx
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big_g_ wrote...  
Haha yeh what the hell we doing on faceparty! Meh yeh happy bday.
Grant xox
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matt23x wrote...  
na never trained em 4 that they just never done it give em bones from butchers lol.wats u bin up to anyways av u got msn bbe xxx
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matt23x wrote...  
hi av got 3 staffis never chewd the house tho lol,u got msn xxx
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19 photos
Favorite Things

Pizza yum yum in my tum :D!!!


TV Show
doctor who....Geek :P!!!

J K Rowling

Home ward bound :D

Night Club / Bar
Anywhere with good tunes

Grant the Panda :D:D:D

Grant and obv myself :P!!!

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