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scruffy ginger and proud
Name: shug
Details: 44 years old (Gemini), Male, Single, Open Minded
Location: kilwinning, Scotland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/shugburns
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me in ma glory, ( wid u date this? )
In my own words

well what can a say, honesty is a weird habbit, but a must have some good points.
i'm not racist, but jews n muslims reallyoffend me
a mean, the aryan race developed the western modern uber land n the muslims wanna take it away, a dont think so, rule britania n the aryan race
dont look down. u may stand on sumfin inferior. o what a day, bring back the industrial gas chambers, o what a nite.

Like what you c ? msg me or gimme a txt 07788844139. ask fur shug, the the weirdo wae the mohawk.
In A Perfect World...

there wid be nae need tae amagine a perfict world cos the white man wid rule the earth n the inferior wans wid wurk fur us n make ur rich. but thats just a fantacy, the muslims are revolting, the jews buld there own berlin walls n the chinks willsoon bee mare uber than us. whits that all aboot
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Favorite Things

anything that kn bee deep fried

rock, pop n anyfin ye kn dance tae

TV Show
its all pish but darth vader for the one

ben elton

they live, v, star wars n star trek.( treky)

Night Club / Bar
pish unless theres karyoke

wee lennie (staffy)

me. like that isnae obvious

ma wee special place inside ma mind.

ma tounge stud


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