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§I-I€®ÿñ I/IÖ®®ì§Øñ i am what i am so dont try and change me :)
Name: Sheryn
Details: 35 years old (Gemini), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Falkirk, Scotland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/sheryn4eva
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xx me xx
xxx haezo n me xxx
xxx me in cream top and sum pals xxx
xxx me up the town xxx
In my own words

Dont cross the road until the little man turns green! a big hia to the school gang Linzi(NUTS), Karen (at college now but we still have fun in mcd's :P), Hazelle (my drinkin n inappropriate talkin buddie lol), Stephanie (skinny but sound), Michelle (nicest hair ever!)and James (the only guy who will ever understand me)! a big kiss n cuddle for ma neice Angel n ma nephew Ashtyn boy girl twins who r the best babies ever luv yas mwah and a new memeber to the family Tony (Anthony) who is just so scrummy! xxx oh n plz rate me - sumthin nice lol:D xxxx ummm i love music, movies, books lol, pubs, clubs (martell wi haezo!)pink, feathers, fluffy stuff, ralph lauren and deisel fragrances, joop on men is HOT! eh hazelle hehe!
If I was a Millionaire...

i wud shoot all the people that do bad things and r nasty well i wud jst get them 2 shoot each other hehehehe i wud have a permanent tan, i wud buy a couple pink lambourghinis and travel the world and have a couple of villas splattered around the place and do as much fun and excitin stuff as i can coz lifes 2 short to be boring, becoming a designer of sum sort is my life ambition so id jst end up paying my way to the top :D x x x x x x
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Favorite Things

Keith truffles mmmm...

mixed - anything thats good

TV Show
stuff on trouble and channel 4/E4 !!!!LOST!!!!

philip pullman, chris manby and dan brown

most movies i love goin 2 the pics :D

Night Club / Bar
.... of Soap lol

puppies, orang-utans, most furry, cute creatures

my pals, family, gorgeous ppl

where do you want me? ;)

my mp3 player and foties


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